Iron sintering

FactSage calculation for the roasting of iron ore in CO-CO2 atmosphere

Grant type:

Baoshan Iron and Steel Co Ltd

Project title:

Novel approaches to iron sinter optimisation through microstructural design and the development of new FactSage thermodynamic databases.

Funded by:

Baoshan Iron and Steel Co Ltd

Nickel Laterite Ore

High resolution TEM micrograph of Saprolite reduced at 800 degrees centigrade in 15% H2 in N2 for 15 minutes
High resolution TEM micrograph of Saprolite reduced at 800oC in 15% H2 in N2 for 15 minutes

Grant type:

Baoshan Iron and Steel Co Ltd

Project title:

Process optimisation during ferronickel making at Baosteel through combined experimental and thermodynamic modelling studies.

Funded by:

Baoshan Iron and Steel Co Ltd