Dr Haijiao Lu

Researcher biography
Dr. Haijiao Lu obtained her dual bachelor's degrees in Science from Nankai University (China) and in Engineering from Tianjin University (China) in 2014. Supervised by Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering Prof. Jingkang Wang, she obtained PhD degree from Tianjin University (China) in 2019. During her PhD study, she also worked as a visiting PhD student at University of Cambridge (UK). She worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Australian National University in 2019-2021, and then at the University of Queensland with Australian Research Council (ARC) Laureate Fellow Prof. Lianzhou Wang from July 2021. Since Jan 2023, she has been working as an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) Research Fellow at School of Chemical Engineering, EAIT, UQ. Her research is characterised by interdisciplinary feature, which lies at the intersection of materials science, photo(electro)catalysis, and chemical engineering.
Apart from the ARC DECRA Fellowship, she has also secured funding from the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) for 8 Synchrotron beamline projects, 2023 Philanthropic grants for EAIT Early Career Researchers and 2023 QUEX institute accelerator grant. She has received research awards including the 2022 Early Career Researcher Award (EAIT Faculty), the 2022 Research Excellence in Energy Nanomaterials (Nanomaterials Centre), and Inaugural (2023) Early Career Research Leadership Award (EAIT Faculty).
She loves working with students. She works as the course coordinator for CHEE7340/CHEE7380/CHEE7381/CHEE7382 (Research Thesis/Project), and lecurer for CHEE4006/CHEE4007/CHEE4026/CHEE4027. Prior to that, she worked as lecturer for CHEE3005 (Reaction Engineering), ENGG1500 (Thermodynamics : Energy and the Environment), and ENGY7112/7114/7115/7215 (Professional Project).