Associate Professor Greg Birkett
Associate Professor
School of Chemical Engineering
Deputy Associate Dean (Academic Curriculum)
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
+61 7 336 53813

Book Chapter
Birkett, G. R. and Do, D. D. (2008). Aspects of physical adsorption on carbon black from molecular simulation. Carbon materials: Theory and practice. (pp. 351-422) edited by Artur P. Terzyk and et al.. Trivandrum, Kerala, India: Research Signpost.
Journal Articles
Konarova, Muxina, Fitzgerald, Rachel, Birkett, Greg, Bakharia, Aneesha, Howes, Tony, Rufford, Tom and O'Brien, Kate (2024). AI: Educating the educators. The Chemical Engineer, 26-28.
Sarabian, Esmaeil, Birkett, Greg and Pratt, Steven (2024). Occurrence and behaviour of colloidal silica and silica-rich nanoparticles through stages of reverse osmosis treating coal seam gas associated water. Water Research, 249 120866, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2023.120866
Sarabian, Esmaeil, Birkett, Greg and Pratt, Steven (2023). Synergistic effect of calcium and magnesium on silica polymerization ancolloidal silica fouling in bench-scale reverse osmosis filtration. Desalination and Water Treatment, 308, 1-17. doi: 10.5004/dwt.2023.29923
O'Brien, Kate, Howes, Tony and Birkett, Greg (2023). Learning how to learn: the skill which underpins performance throughout one’s career. The Chemical Engineer (982), 33-35.
Davis, Kirsten A., Mogg, William A., Callaghan, David P., Birkett, Greg R., Knight, David B. and O'Brien, Katherine R. (2021). Introducing ‘Concept Question’ writing assignments into upper-level engineering courses. European Journal of Engineering Education, 46 (6), 1-20. doi: 10.1080/03043797.2021.1943649
Cameron, Ian and Birkett, Greg (2020). Journey making: applying PSE principles to complex curriculum designs. Processes, 8 (3) 373, 373. doi: 10.3390/pr8030373
Donose, Bogdan C., Birkett, Greg and Pratt, Steven (2020). Silica-polyamide nanofriction in electrolyte solutions: insights into scaling of RO membranes. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 586 124206, 124206. doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2019.124206
Turner, Christopher, Donose, Bogdan C., Kezia,, Birkett, Greg and Pratt, Steven (2020). Silica fouling during groundwater RO treatment: the effect of colloids’ radius of curvature on dissolution and polymerisation. Water Research, 168 115135, 115135. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2019.115135
Asadi, Fariba, Ejtemaei, Majid, Birkett, Greg, Searles, Debra J. and Nguyen, Anh V. (2019). The link between the kinetics of gas hydrate formation and surface ion distribution in the low salt concentration regime. Fuel, 240, 309-316. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.11.146
Song, Yingjun, Motuzas, Julius, Wang, David K., Birkett, Greg, Smart, Simon and da Costa, João C. Diniz (2018). Substrate effect on carbon/ceramic mixed matrix membrane prepared by a vacuum-assisted method for desalination. Processes, 6 (5) 47, 47. doi: 10.3390/pr6050047
Arami-Niya, Arash, Rufford, Thomas E., Birkett, Greg and Zhu, Zhonghua (2017). Gravimetric adsorption measurements of helium on natural clinoptilolite and synthetic molecular sieves at pressures up to 3500 kPa. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 244, 218-225. doi: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2016.10.035
Song, Yingjun, Wang, David K., Birkett, Greg, Smart, Simon and da Costa, Joao C. Diniz (2017). Vacuum film etching effect of carbon alumina mixed matrix membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 541, 53-61. doi: 10.1016/j.memsci.2017.06.082
Arami-Niya, Arash, Birkett, Greg, Zhu, Zhonghua and Rufford, Thomas E. (2017). Gate opening effect of zeolitic imidazolate framework ZIF-7 for adsorption of CH4 and CO2 from N2. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5 (40), 21389-21399. doi: 10.1039/C7TA03755D
Donose, Bogdan C., Birkett, Greg and Pratt, Steven (2017). Advanced microscopy of inorganic colloids sampled from consecutive stages of RO filtration. Colloid and Interface Science Communications, 17, 1-4. doi: 10.1016/j.colcom.2017.01.002
Ji, Guozhao, Motuzas, Julius, Birkett, Greg, Smart, Simon, Hooman, Kamel and Diniz da Costa, Joao C. (2017). Long term and performance testing of NaMg double salts for H2/CO2 separation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (12), 7997-8005. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.01.107
Levett, Ian, Birkett, Greg, Davies, Nick, Bell, Aidan, Langford, Alexandra, Laycock, Bronwyn, Lant, Paul and Pratt, Steven (2016). Techno-economic assessment of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) production from methane - the case for thermophilic bioprocessing. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 4 (4A), 3724-3733. doi: 10.1016/j.jece.2016.07.033
Donose, Bogdan C., Birkett, Greg and Pratt, Steven (2016). Insight into the initial stages of silica scaling employing a scanning electron and atomic force microscopy approach. Journal of Membrane Science & Technology, 6 (4). doi: 10.4172/2155-9589.1000163
Burt, Ryan, Breitsprecher, Konrad, Daffos, Barbara, Taberna, Pierre-Louis, Simon, Patrice, Birkett, Greg, Zhao, X. S., Holm, Christian and Salanne, Mathieu (2016). Capacitance of nanoporous carbon-based supercapacitors is a trade-off between the concentration and the separability of the ions. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7 (19), 4015-4021. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.6b01787
O'Brien, Kate and Birkett, Greg (2016). The human touch: what really matters in engineering education, and why aren't we doing more of it?. The Chemical Engineer, 903, 42-43.
Song, Yingjun, Wang, David K., Birkett, Greg, Martens, Wayde, Duke, Mikel C., Smart, Simon and Diniz da Costa, Joao C. (2016). Mixed matrix carbon molecular sieve and alumina (CMS-Al2O3) membranes. Scientific Reports, 6 (1) 30703, 30703. doi: 10.1038/srep30703
Burt, Ryan, Birkett, Greg, Salanne, Mathieu and Zhao, X. S. (2016). Molecular dynamics simulations of the influence of drop size and surface potential on the contact angle of ionic-liquid droplets. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120 (28), 15244-15250. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b04696
Zaman, Masuduz, Birkett, Greg, Pratt, Christopher, Stuart, Bruce and Pratt, Steven (2015). Downstream processing of reverse osmosis brine: characterisation of potential scaling compounds. Water Research, 80, 227-234. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2015.05.004
Peng, Hong, Birkett, Greg R and Nguyen, Anh V (2015). Progress on the Surface Nanobubble Story: What is in the bubble? Why does it exist?. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 222, 573-580. doi: 10.1016/j.cis.2014.09.004
Chua, Yen Thien, Ji, Guozhao, Birkett, Greg, Lin, Chun Xiang Cynthia, Kleitz, Freddy and Smart, Simon (2015). Nanoporous organosilica membrane for water desalination: theoretical study on the water transport. Journal of Membrane Science, 482, 56-66. doi: 10.1016/j.memsci.2015.01.060
Peng, Hong, Birkett, Greg R. and Nguyen, Anh V. (2014). The impact of line tension on the contact angle of nanodroplets. Molecular Simulation, 40 (12), 934-941. doi: 10.1080/08927022.2013.828210
Burt, Ryan, Birkett, Greg and Zhao, X. S. (2014). A review of molecular modelling of electric double layer capacitors. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16 (14), 6519-6538. doi: 10.1039/c3cp55186e
Peng, Hong, Birkett, Greg R. and Nguyen, Anh V. (2013). Origin of interfacial nanoscopic gaseous domains and formation of dense gas layer at hydrophobic solid-water interface. Langmuir, 29 (49), 15266-15274. doi: 10.1021/la403187p
Peng, Hong, Nguyen, Anh V. and Birkett, Greg R. (2013). A weighted test-area method for calculating surface tension. Molecular Simulation, 39 (2), 129-136. doi: 10.1080/08927022.2012.708414
Peng, Hong, Nguyen, Anh V. and Birkett, Greg R. (2012). Determination of contact angle by molecular simulation using number and atomic density contours. Molecular Simulation, 38 (12), 945-952. doi: 10.1080/08927022.2012.678846
Birkett, Greg (2012). Letters to the Editor: On the use and misuse of the concept of Gibbs Free Energy of Adsorption. Adsorption Science and Technology, 30 (7), 651-652. doi: 10.1260/0263-6174.30.7.651
Nguyen, Phong T., Hampton, Marc A., Nguyen, Anh V. and Birkett, Greg R. (2012). The influence of gas velocity, salt type and concentration on transition concentration for bubble coalescence inhibition and gas holdup. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 90 (1), 33-39. doi: 10.1016/j.cherd.2011.08.015
Wongkoblap, A., Do, D. D., Birkett, G. and Nicholson, D. (2011). A critical assessment of capillary condensation and evaporation equations: a computer simulation study. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 356 (2), 672-680. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2011.01.074
Razak, Mus'ab Abdul, Do, D. D. and Birkett, G. R. (2011). Evaluation of the interaction potentials for methane adsorption on graphite and in graphitic slit pores. Adsorption, 17 (2), 385-394. doi: 10.1007/s10450-011-9335-5
Herrera, L. F., Do, D. D. and Birkett, G. R. (2010). Histogram of number of particles as an indicator for 2D phase transition in adsorption of gases on graphite. Molecular Simulation, 36 (14), 1173-1181. doi: 10.1080/08927022.2010.509863
Fan, CY, Birkett, G and Do, DD (2010). Effects of surface mediation on the adsorption isotherm and heat of adsorption of argon on graphitized thermal carbon black. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 342 (2), 485-492. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2009.10.018
Birkett, G. R. and Do, D. D. (2008). Characteristic heats of adsorption for slit pore and defected pore models. Langmuir, 24 (9), 4853-4856. doi: 10.1021/la703565m
Herrera, L. F., Do, D. D. and Birkett, G. R. (2008). Comparative simulation study of nitrogen and ammonia adsorption on graphitized and nongraphitized carbon blacks. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 320 (2), 415-422. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2007.12.023
Do, D. D. and Birkett, G. (2007). On the physical adsorption of gases on carbon materials from molecular simulation. Adsorption, 13 (5-6), 407-424. doi: 10.1007/s10450-007-9026-4
Birkett, G. and Do, D. D. (2007). Simulation study of water adsorption on carbon black: The effect of graphite water interaction strength. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces, 111 (15), 5735-5742. doi: 10.1021/jp068479q
Birkett, G. R. and Do, D. D. (2007). On the heat capacity of adsorbed phases using molecular simulation. Journal of Chemical Physics, 126 (6) 064702, 064702-1-064702-11. doi: 10.1063/1.2434149
Do, D. D. and Birkett, G. R. (2006). Simulation study of methanol and ethanol adsorption on graphitized carbon black. Molecular Simulation, 32 (10-11), 887-899. doi: 10.1080/08927020601001911
Birkett, G. and Do, D. D. (2006). New method to determine PSD using supercritical adsorption: Applied to methane adsorption in activated carbon. Langmuir, 22 (18), 7622-7630. doi: 10.1021/la061079+
Birkett, G. R. and Do, D. D. (2006). Correct procedures for the calculation of heats of adsorption for heterogeneous adsorbents from molecular simulation. Langmuir, 22 (24), 9976-9981. doi: 10.1021/la0615241
Birkett, G. R. and Do, D. D. (2006). The adsorption of water in finite carbon pores. Molecular Physics, 104 (4), 623-637. doi: 10.1080/00268970500500583
Birkett, G. R. and Do, D. D. (2006). Simulation study of ammonia adsorption on graphitized carbon black. Molecular Simulation, 32 (7), 523-537. doi: 10.1080/08927020600622030
Birkett, G. R. and Do, D. D. (2004). PVT behaviour of fluids with potential models optimised for phase equilibria. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 224 (2), 199-212. doi: 10.1016/j.fluid.2004.05.005
Conference Papers
Coulter, Beverly, Birkett, Greg, Boden, Marie, Chen, Shaun, Fialho Leandro Alves Teixeira, Fred, Fleming, Melanie, Hickman, Mark and Hope Borchardt, Lilly (2023). Why is teamwork so hard to teach well at university?. 34th Australasian Association For Engineering Education Conference, Gold Coast, QLD Australia, 3-6 December 2023.
Melanie Fleming, Peter O'Shea, Paul Vrbik, Brae Webb and Greg Birkett (2023). Learning to program: a tale of two cohorts. Australasian Association of Engineering Education, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 3-6 December 2023.
Turner, Christopher, Donose, Bogdan C., Birkett, Greg and Pratt, Steven (2018). Silica fouling during CSG produced water treatment by RO membranes. 11th Conference of the Aseanian Membrane Society, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 3-6 July 2018.
Niya, Arash Arami, Rufford, Thomas, Birkett, Greg and Zhu, Zhonghua (2016). Equilibrium capacity of He, N2 and CO2 on Ga-rich PST-1 zeolite at 303 K and pressures up to 5000 kPa. 12th International Conference on the Fundamentals of Adsorption (FOA12), Friedrichshafen, Germany, 29 May-3 June 2016.
Donose, Bogdan C., Birkett, Greg and Pratt, Steven (2016). Silica trap assisted microscopy insight into early stages of scaling. The 10th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society, Nara, Japan, 26-29 July 2016.
Arash Arami, Niya, Rufford, Thomas, Birkett, Greg and Zhu, Zhonghua (2015). High pressure adsorption measurement of helium and other gases on the type 4A zeolite. 7th Pacific Basin Conference on Adsorption Science and Technology, Xiamen, China, 24-27 September 2015.
Batstone, Damien, Laycock, Bronwyn, Birkett, Greg, Wilson, Richard and Farre, Maria Jose (2013). Effectively teaching statistics to chemical engineers as a core professional attribute. AAEE 2013: 24th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 8-11 December, 2013. Nathan, QLD, Australia: Griffith School of Engineering, Griffith University.
Cameron, Ian and Birkett, Greg (2012). A curriculum design, modelling and visualization environment. 23rd Annual Conference of the Australasian Association of Engineering Education (AAEE 2012), Melbourne, Australia, 3-5 December 2012. Melbourne, Australia: Swinburne University of Technology.
Peng, Hong, Nguyen, Anh V. and Birkett, Greg R. (2011). An improved method for calculating surface tension by Monte Carlo simulation. Chemeca 2011: Australasian Conference on Chemical Engineering, Sydney, Australia, 18 - 21 September 2011. Barton, ACT, Australia: Engineers Australia.
Nguyen, Phong, Hampton, Marc, Nguyen, Anh, Birkett, Greg and Rudolph, Victor (2010). The influence of gas velocity, salt type and concentration on bubble coalescence. 40th Annual Australasian Chemical and Process Engineering Conference, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 26-29 September 2010. Barton, ACT, Australia: Engineers Australia.
Herrera, Luis F., Do, Duong D. and Birkett, Greg R. (2008). Characterization of virtual nano-structures through the use of Monte Carlo integration. International Conference on Frontiers in Materials Science and Technology, FMST 2008, Brisbane, QLD, 26 - 28 March 2008. Stafa-Zurich, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.. doi: 10.4028/0-87849-475-8.275
Do, D. D., Do, H. D. and Birkett, G. (2007). A new methodology in the use of super-critical adsorption data to determine the micropore size distribution. 4th Pacific Basin Conference on Absorption Science and Technology, Tianjin, China, 22-26 May, 2006. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. doi: 10.1142/9789812770264_0009
Birkett, Greg (2007). Molecular modelling of polar and non-polar adsorption on carbon adsorbents. PhD Thesis, School of Engineering, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/158757