Dr Lisa Pope
Centre Manager, ARC Training Centre for Bioplastics and Biocomposites & Centre Manager – ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Bioplastics and Biocomposites
School of Chemical Engineering
+61 7 3346 6466
+61 7 334 66466
Journal Articles
Cooper, Steven J. B., Ottewell, Kym, MacDonald, Anna J., Adams, Mark, Byrne, Margaret, Carthew, Susan M., Eldridge, Mark D. B., Li, You, Pope, Lisa C., Saint, Kathleen M. and Westerman, Michael (2019). Phylogeography of southern brown and golden bandicoots: implications for the taxonomy and distribution of endangered subspecies and species. Australian Journal of Zoology, 66 (6), 379-393. doi: 10.1071/ZO19052
Holmes, Bonnie J., Pope, Lisa C., Williams, Samuel M., Tibbetts, Ian R., Bennett, Mike B. and Ovenden, Jennifer R. (2018). Lack of multiple paternity in the oceanodromous tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier). Royal Society Open Science, 5 (1) 171385, 1-9. doi: 10.1098/rsos.171385
Mather, Andrew T., Hanson, Jeffrey O., Pope, Lisa C. and Riginos, Cynthia (2018). Comparative phylogeography of two co-distributed but ecologically distinct rainbowfishes of far-northern Australia. Journal of Biogeography, 45 (1), 127-141. doi: 10.1111/jbi.13117
Haouchar, Dalal, Pacioni, Carlo, Haile, James, McDowell, Matthew C., Baynes, Alexander, Phillips, Matthew J., Austin, Jeremy J., Pope, Lisa C. and Bunce, Michael (2016). Ancient DNA reveals complexity in the evolutionary history and taxonomy of the endangered Australian brush-tailed bettongs (Bettongia: Marsupialia: Macropodidae: Potoroinae). Biodiversity and Conservation, 25 (14), 1-21. doi: 10.1007/s10531-016-1210-y
Pope, Lisa C., Riginos, Cynthia, Ovenden, Jennifer, Keyse, Jude and Blomberg, Simon P. (2015). Population genetic diversity in the Australian 'seascape': a bioregion approach. PLoS One, 10 (9) e0136275, 1-19. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0136275
Pope, Lisa C., Liggins, Libby, Keyse, Jude, Carvalho, Silvia B. and Riginos, Cynthia (2015). Not the time or the place: the missing spatio-temporal link in publicly available genetic data. Molecular Ecology, 24 (15), 3802-3809. doi: 10.1111/mec.13254
Ovenden, J. R., Macbeth, M. G., Pope, L. C., Thuesen, P., Street, R. and Broderick, D. (2015). Translocation between freshwater catchments has facilitated the spread of tilapia in eastern Australia. Biological Invasions, 17 (2), 637-650. doi: 10.1007/s10530-014-0754-6
Hoskin, M. L., Hutchison, M. J., Barnes, A. C., Ovenden, J. R. and Pope, L. C. (2014). Parental contribution to progeny during experimental spawning of jungle perch, Kuhlia rupestris. Marine and Freshwater Research, 66 (4), 375-380. doi: 10.1071/MF13313
Nogueira, Denise M., Pope, Lisa C., Burke, Terry and Alves, Maria Alice S. (2014). Genetic differentiation over a short water barrier in the Brazilian tanager, Ramphocelus bresilius (Passeriformes: Thraupidae) an endemic species of the Atlantic forest, Brazil. Conservation Genetics, 15 (5), 1151-1162. doi: 10.1007/s10592-014-0607-y
Bielby, Jon, Donnelly, Christl A., Pope, Lisa C., Burke, Terry and Woodroffe, Rosie (2014). Badger responses to small-scale culling may compromise targeted control of bovine tuberculosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111 (25), 9193-9198. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1401503111
Frantz, A. C., McDevitt, A. D., Pope, L. C., Kochan, J., Davison, J., Clements, C. F., Elmeros, M., Molina-Vacas, G., Ruiz-Gonzalez, A., Balestrieri, A., Van Den Berge, K., Breyne, P., Do Linh San, E., Agren, E. O., Suchentrunk, F., Schley, L., Kowalczyk, R., Kostka, B. I., Cirovic, D., Sprem, N., Colyn, M., Ghirardi, M., Racheva, V., Braun, C., Oliveira, R., Lanszki, J., Stubbe, M., Stier, N. and Burke, T. (2014). Revisiting the phylogeography and demography of European badgers (Meles meles) based on broad sampling, multiple markers and simulations. Heredity, 113 (5), 443-453. doi: 10.1038/hdy.2014.45
Pope, L. C., Vernes, K., Goldizen, A. W. and Johnson, C. N. (2012). Mating system and local dispersal patterns of an endangered potoroid, the northern bettong (Bettongia tropica). Australian Journal of Zoology, 60 (4), 278-287. doi: 10.1071/ZO12071
Dugdale, Hannah L., Pope, Lisa C., Newman, Chris, Macdonald, David W. and Burke, Terry (2011). Age-specific breeding success in a wild mammalian population: selection, constraint, restraint and senescence. Molecular Ecology, 20 (15), 3261-3274. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2011.05167.x
Frantz, A. C., Do Linh San, E., Pope, L. C. and Burke, T. (2010). Using genetic methods to investigate dispersal in two badger (Meles meles) populations with different ecological characteristics. Heredity, 104 (5), 493-501. doi: 10.1038/hdy.2009.136
Frantz, A. C., Pope, L. C., Etherington, T. R., Wilson, G. J. and Burke, T. (2010). Using isolation-by-distance-based approaches to assess the barrier effect of linear landscape elements on badger (Meles meles) dispersal. Molecular Ecology, 19 (8), 1663-1674. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2010.04605.x
Dugdale, H. L., Nouvellet, P., Pope, L. C., Burke, T. and MacDonald, D. W. (2010). Fitness measures in selection analyses: sensitivity to the overall number of offspring produced in a lifetime. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 23 (2), 282-292. doi: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2009.01896.x
Woodroffe, Rosie, Donnelly, Christl A., Wei, Gao, Cox, D. R., Bourne, F. John, Burke, Terry, Butlin, Roger K., Cheeseman, C. L., Gettinby, George, Gilks, Peter, Hedges, Simon, Jenkins, Helen E., Johnston, W. Thomas, McInerney, John P., Morrison, W. Ivan and Pope, Lisa C. (2009). Social group size affects Mycobacterium bovis infection in European badgers (Meles meles). Journal of Animal Ecology, 78 (4), 818-827. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2009.01545.x
Vernes, Karl and Pope, Lisa Claire (2009). Reproduction in the northern brown bandicoot (Isoodon macrourus) in the Australian Wet Tropics. Australian Journal of Zoology, 57 (2), 105-109. doi: 10.1071/ZO09019
Dugdale, Hannah L., Macdonald, David W., Pope, Lisa C., Johnson, Paul J. and Burke, Terry (2008). Reproductive skew and relatedness in social groups of European badgers, Meles meles. Molecular Ecology, 17 (7), 1815-1827. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2008.03708.x
Dawnay, Nick, Ogden, Rob, Thorpe, Roger S., Pope, Lisa C., Dawson, Deborah A. and McEwing, Ross (2008). A forensic STR profiling system for the Eurasian badger: a framework for developing profiling systems for wildlife species. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2 (1), 47-53. doi: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2007.08.006
Dugdale, Hannah L., Macdonald, David W., Pope, Lisa C. and Burke, Terry (2007). Polygynandry, extra-group paternity and multiple-paternity litters in European badger (Meles meles) social groups. Molecular Ecology, 16 (24), 5294-5306. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2007.03571.x
Pope, Lisa C., Butlin, Roger K., Wilson, Gavin J., Woodroffe, Rosie, Erven, Kristien, Conyers, Chris M., Franklin, Tanya, Delahay, Richard J., Cheeseman, Chris L. and Burke, Terry (2007). Genetic evidence that culling increases badger movement: implications for the spread of bovine tuberculosis. Molecular Ecology, 16 (23), 4919-4929. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2007.03553.x
Pope, LC, Domingo-Roura, X, Erven, K and Burke, T (2006). Isolation by distance and gene flow in the Eurasian badger (Meles meles) at both a local and broad scale. Molecular Ecology, 15 (2), 371-386. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2005.02815.x
Vernes, Karl and Pope, Lisa C. (2006). Capture success and population density of the northern bettong Bettongia tropica in northeastern Queensland. Australian Mammalogy, 28 (1), 87-92. doi: 10.1071/AM06010
Pope, LC, Blair, D and Johnson, CN (2005). Dispersal and population structure of the rufous bettong, Aepyprymnus rufescens (Marsupialia : Potoroidae). Austral Ecology, 30 (5), 572-580. doi: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2005.01472.x
Vernes, K, Pope, LC, Hill, CJ and Barlocher, F (2005). Seasonality, dung specificity and competition in dung beetle assemblages in the Australian Wet Tropics, north-eastern Australia. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 21 (1), 1-8. doi: 10.1017/S026646740400224X
Carpenter, PJ, Pope, LC, Greig, C, Dawson, DA, Rogers, LM, Erven, K, Wilson, GJ, Delahay, RJ, Cheeseman, CL and Burke, T (2005). Mating system of the Eurasian badger, Meles meles, in a high density population. Molecular Ecology, 14 (1), 273-284. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2004.02401.x
Frantz, AC, Schaul, M, Pope, LC, Fack, F, Schley, L, Muller, CP and Roper, TJ (2004). Estimating population size by genotyping remotely plucked hair: the Eurasian badger. Journal of Applied Ecology, 41 (5), 985-995. doi: 10.1111/j.0021-8901.2004.00951.x
Wilson, GJ, Frantz, AC, Pope, LC, Roper, TJ, Burke, TA, Cheeseman, CL and Delahay, RJ (2003). Estimation of badger abundance using faecal DNA typing. Journal of Applied Ecology, 40 (4), 658-666. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2664.2003.00835.x
Frantz, AC, Pope, LC, Carpenter, PJ, Roper, TJ, Wilson, GJ, Delahay, RJ and Burke, T (2003). Reliable microsatellite genotyping of the Eurasian badger (Meles meles) using faecal DNA. Molecular Ecology, 12 (6), 1649-1661. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-294X.2003.01848.x
Zenger, KR, Eldridge, MDB, Pope, LC and Cooper, DW (2003). Characterisation and cross-species utility of microsatellite markers within kangaroos, wallabies and rat kangaroos (Macropodoidea : Marsupialia). Australian Journal of Zoology, 51 (6), 587-596. doi: 10.1071/ZO03020
Vernes, Karl and Pope, Lisa C. (2002). Fecundity, pouch young survivorship and breeding season of the northern bettong (Bettongia tropica) in the wild. Australian Mammalogy, 23 (2), 95-100. doi: 10.1071/AM01095
Pope, L. C., Estoup, A. and Moritz, C. C. (2000). Phylogeography and population structure of the ecotonal marsupial, Bettongia tropica, determined using mtDNA and microsatellites. Molecular Ecology, 9 (12), 2041-2054. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-294X.2000.01110.x
Eldridge, Mark D. B., King, Juliet M., Loupis, Anne K., Spencer, Peter B. S., Taylor, Andrea C., Pope, Lisa C. and Hall, Graham P. (1999). Unprecedented Low Levels of Genetic Variation and Inbreeding Depression in an Island Population of the Black-Footed Rock-Wallaby. Conservation Biology, 13 (3), 531-541. doi: 10.1046/j.1523-1739.1999.98115.x
Fumagalli, L, Pope, LC, Taberlet, P and Moritz, C (1997). Versatile primers for the amplification of the mitochondrial DNA control region in marsupials. Molecular Ecology, 6 (12), 1199-1201. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-294X.1997.00298.x
FitzSimmons, NN, Moritz, C, Limpus, CJ, Pope, L and Prince, R (1997). Geographic structure of mitochondrial and nuclear gene polymorphisms in Australian green turtle populations and male-biased gene flow. Genetics, 147 (4), 1843-1854.
Pope, LC, Sharp, A and Moritz, C (1996). Population structure of the yellow-footed rock-wallaby Petrogale xanthopus (Gray, 1854) inferred from mtDNA sequences and microsatellite loci. Molecular Ecology, 5 (5), 629-640. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.1996.tb00358.x
Pope, Lisa Claire (2001). Population structure of the northern bettong, Bettongia tropica and the northern brown bandicoot, Isoodon macrourus. PhD Thesis, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/uql.2014.401