Research partnerships
UQ Chemical Engineering has a strong track record in successfully engaging and partnering with industry across the School.
Currently the School has numerous research partners, including international research institutes, companies and local industry.
These successful collaborations result in an increased understanding of engineering training and research practice, gives companies access to expertise, and facilitates exchange between industry and graduates prior to employment.
Ways to engage in research
The School Centres are currently negotiated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the School Manager for more information regarding centre partnerships.
The School hosts two centres:
Industry are also invited to join UQ in a CRC partnership.
The CRC Program was established in 1990 and supports end-user driven research collaborations to tackle major challenges facing Australia. CRCs attain solutions to these challenges that are innovative, of high impact and capable of being effectively applied by the end users. The CRC Program links researchers with industry to focus R&D efforts on progress towards utilisation and commercialisation.
For more information on the CRC program and how to get involved, visit UQ’s research partnerships website.
Industry is always invited to partner UQ Chemical Engineering through the ARC Linkage grant system.
ARC Linkage Projects support research and development collaborations between eligible higher education organisations and other organisations, including industry, to further national innovation and acquisition of new knowledge. Proposals for funding under this scheme must include at least one Australian Partner Organisation.
For more information on linkage grants and how to become a partner, contact the School Manager.
Industry can also tap into the expertise available at the school via one-on-one consultation arrangements. For more information on obtaining consultant services from UQ, contact Uniquest.
Major Supporters
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following research partners for their continued support.